Embracing our call to love people, we are involved in a number of different projects, and support missionaries around the world.

We love Furzedown and are passionate about Christian unity. As such, we work alongside St James', St Paul's and St Alban's as 'Furzedown Churches'. We work together across the year, collaborating in events at Christmas and Easter as well as for activities such as the children's and older people's holiday clubs.
Furzedown Youth Centre (FYC) is overseen by a dedicated team of volunteers,
and serves young people from our neighbourhood with a range of activities and projects. Many of the activities vary with the seasons, so for up to date information please contact furzedownyc@gmail.com or head to furzedownyouthcentre.org.uk
Partnering with Wandsworth Foodbank, we have a Welcome Centre at MLBC on Thursday mornings. Pre- booked guests come to the centre for advice, support and basic food provisions. For more information speak to Gemma or visit wandsworth.foodbank.org.uk
We also support the work of Spires, a local charity that supports those facing homelessness or disadvantage all year round. Head to spires.org.uk for more information.

Relationships with other Christians across the globe are important to us. For many years we have supported Impact Romania, Home of Love and Mercy through financial donations and regular visits.
Through BMS World Mission we have a deep connection to Wit and Helen Boondeekhun. They are church planters working alongside local pastors in Wang Daeng region. Wit is Thai and Helen is an experienced English teacher.

Through BMS World Mission we support the vital work of Genesis Acaye. In his home country Genesis is training and mentoring farmers to increase their household incomes. A trained agriculturalist, he is also working to mobilise community groups; training them in improved and sustainable farming methods, helping them find markets for their produce and encouraging them in their faith.